What do I bring to my job interview?

Does anyone have a pen for me? Could I use your deodorant? Is my interview on the third or fourth floor? Let's admit it. Applying for a job is not a breeze and entails a lot of stress. In order not to get into a stressful situation at the last minute, optimal preparation is crucial!

To do this, we have made a checklist for you with everything you need to start applying for a job:

  • CV and motivation letter: These are handy to use during the interview and ensure that you don't forget to say anything. Little tip: Make multiple copies. After all, there may be several interviewers sitting in front of you and it seems professional to be able to hand over a copy to everyone.
  • Diplomas and certificates: Bring your diplomas and certificates to your interview. Uhm… and what if I can't find it anymore? Then it is best to request this from the school or institution where you obtained your diploma.
  • Identification documents: Sometimes you are asked to bring certain documents such as certificates, copy of passport, ID, certificate of good conduct to your job interview.
  • Info about the application: Make sure you know where you have to be and when. Write down your interviewer's name and phone number. After all, you might be late due to certain circumstances or, in the worst case, something will intervene.




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