When you work as a temporary worker, you get paid weekly instead of monthly. Before the temp agency can pay you, they need to do something important: verify your work hours.
Verification of Work Hours
The temp agency contacts the client to check how many hours you actually worked and when you worked them. These hours are listed in your contract, but that doesn't mean you worked exactly that number of hours. It could be a bit more or a bit less. It's important that you get paid for the actual hours you worked. This process usually happens at the beginning of the week after you've worked.
Once all the work hours are recorded, the temp agency pays your salary. Do you think there's an error on your payslip or something wrong with your pay? Contact the temp agency as soon as possible to correct it. Also, be sure to read the article "What Should I Do If There Are Fewer Hours on My Payslip Than I Actually Worked?"